1. Glad trash bags scented with Febreze-Literally smells like an air freshener and eliminates garbage odor all together! You'll find yourself sniffing your trash can after you put a bag in , haha. They come in different scents and are worth the extra dollar, trust me!
2. Scentsy Warmer-This is a flame less candle with wax melts, that melts wax melts with a light bulb. I have a different scent for every season and they have some great ones at Tai Pan. This will make your entire room smell great. If you can't tell, I'm big on making my home smell good! Wal-Mart sells these at a cheaper price but you can buy one from a Scentsy dealer too.The great thing is the warmers come in all different styles and colors too, so they are another piece of decor in your home!
3. Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial BathroomWipes-I first received these as a full-sized sample from SC Johnson. I don't think I can ever go back to a spray cleaner and cleaning towel after this. The wipes are so moist that you only need 2-3 depending on your bathroom size. They work so well, are very convenient, and make cleaning faster and easier because you don't have to use and wash your cleaning cloth afterward.

4. Glade Carpet & Room Powder-Again I don't have a pet but I tend to buy things that work for pets because they carry the longest lasting fresh scent. I also enjoy spring/clean linen scents too but they have fruity ones too. To use, sprinkle on a carpeted room and vacuum. Once you're done you will notice how fresh and clean the room smells for at least 1-2 days. I love good and fresh smells in my home and this product is a major contributor!
5. Swiffer Dust & Shine with Febreze- Seriously smells so good! This product shines counter tops, tables, granite, leather, etc. The febreeze makes it smell so fresh and clean. I personally enjoy the lavender scent and P&G is constantly sending out coupons for buy 1 get 1 free on this product. This is a must have!
6. Febreze-Everyone knows you can't live without Febreze! And like the commercials, you can't put your couch in the wash, so how do you make it smell fresh? Febreze! I have many different favorite scents and you can't go wrong with Febreze. I actually have a routine that I do with all of these products but for my living room I vacuum with the powder, then I clean my couch with the fabric sweeper, and finish by spraying Febreze above my sofa, carpet, and on the stairs.
7. Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel- I received this in one of my free BzzAgent kit and am in love with it! It is a gel that sticks to the inside of your toilet. It smells so fresh and and cleans your toilet, leaving bubbles, each time the toilet is flushed. This will make your entire bathroom smell clean and fresh and lasts for several weeks.
There you have it. Now you have the secrets and confessions of a smell-good cleaning-aholic! I hope you have a chance to try some of these. Keep in mind, these are all affordable and commonly have coupons online and in the Sunday newspaper. If you have favorite products you'd like to share with me, comment on this post or email me at calissakaye@gmail.com